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  • Travelling To Work To Join The Workforce? Here Are 3 Footwears You Need

    Travelling To Work To Join The Workforce? Here Are 3 Footwears You Need

     According to a study conducted by the University of Kansas, footwear is the first thing people notice about you in your appearance. As underrated as it is, footwear is a crucial aspect of your appearance as it speaks highly of the one donning it. With up and coming fashion trends, we now have a variety of choices in footwear, available in various designs and...
  • Move From Being Fashion Conscious To Conscious Fashion

    Move From Being Fashion Conscious To Conscious Fashion

    According to a report released by the Ellen MacArthur Foundation it is time that we made a radical change today, for the fashion of tomorrow. It is time that we make changes that have better results on the society and the environment around us. One way to achieve this is by moving towards the circular model of textile production. Wondering why the sudden change?...
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